Wow I haven’t had a proper update in about 2weeks plus. Must be a new record or something *laughs*
Anyway, I’m here to say that I’m still very much alive and kicking. I’m now in my last semester for my first year as a Degree student *cheers*.
I was busy with assignments for most of the time in the past two to three weeks. Since this is a short semester, everything happens twice as fast. Just because it’s a short sem (7wks, long sem 14wks) doesn’t mean we study only half the stuff we usually do. Everything is crammed into 7weeks which emans we have to work twice as fast and go to class twice as many times in a week. But I only have 3assignments so it wasn’t very hectic.
As some of you might know, due to my awesome results last semester, I am currently repeating my favourite subject, Costing. This time, we got a Chinese lecturer and she’s so much better than the one I had last semester. That freaking lady can’t teach to save her life, I assure you that. Now if I bump into her in campus, I’ll be like ‘Dang it, today damn soi bump into her.’ *snickers*
Then, last Friday (11.11.2011) me and two dozen other friends had a full scale family themed campaign in our lecture hall, with opening ceremonies, decorations and performances. I was in charge of publicity (which was the easiest job for me), all I had to do was stand in front of the class and promote our campaign (i.e. when, where, what etc). Easy right? the campaign turned out better than expected and our lecturer was taken by surprise because he did not expect us to pull it off so well (as we were the first team and first teams normally don’t do very well).
After the campaign came midterms! Everybody thought Moral midterm was going to be a piece of cake and boy were we wrong. Even though it’s just true/false, the questions were darn tricky and I can say that out of 25, I guessed almost half. Not looking forward to seeing the results. Two hours after Moral was Costing *insert dramatic sound effect like lightning and thunder strike*.
With the fear of going blank and guessing 90% of the answers like last semester’s midterm, it was so freaking obvious that I would be freaking out before the test came. I actually couldn’t sleep the night before the campaign because I was too worried about us failing the campaign and me failing my Costing midterm. I hate that stressed feeling when I sleep. I feel like something is pressing down on my chest and my heart beat gets more and more rapid and also I can breathe properly. It’s like being suffocated. Having said all that, Costing midterm wasn’t that bad after all. Heck, it was so much better than last semester’s midterm.
i'm also getting back in touch with my inner kid (not that i'm not big of a kid already...hehe) i'm on an anime marathon after so long. i'm watching Inuyasha (familiar?? no? never mind..) and this demon cat is so damn cute!!!! (Inuyasha is a demon dog ok..) don't believe? see for yourself!!
this feline's name is Kirara and she is SO DAMN CUTE!!!