Three of us set out from Kampar in the morning, boarding the 10.30am bus to KL. The journey there was a bit of a bore because I sat alone at the single seat on the left while the other two were together. It didn’t bother me a lot because I was on my way to see Girls’ Generation!!
After checking in etc, we head to KLCC and there were already a lot of people lining up to go into the venue. Mind you it was an outdoor event so we lined up outside, under the sun and in the heat. OMG I tell you I think I almost fainted after standing there for an hour, I quickly went back into the shopping complex with the excuse of buying water from Guardian, then went back to continue lining up with the rest of the SONEs there.

placards made by other SONEs and check out the crowd yo!
The thing about yesterday which I didn’t really like was the security guards or the staff members that were in charge of crowd control. They were so freaking rude to us, simply shouting and yelling at us and they didn’t even let us into the venue on time. They were like 10minutes late and everybody was pushing when they did. I didn’t even have to move forward on my own, the people behind kept pushing and I just found my body moving on its own. Everyone was squashed against each other as we tried to make our way to the entrance and then ran to our Premium Fanzone standing area to get places as front as possible.
the blimp is so cute XD

this was my view, of course elevated about 1foot because i lifted my arms straight in the air to take this pic so imagine it 30cm lower and you can roughly guess what my view
We went into the venue about 6.45pm or so and the schedule says the Girls won’t be up till 8.30pm. While waiting some of the DJs and the MCs came on stage and played some beats and the moment 2NE1’s I’m The Best came up, everybody went crazy and sang along to it! It was crazy, the reaction!! I’ve never seen so many people cheering for kpop at one venue before!
The MC and DJs teased us so much by asking us stupid questions like ‘do you know who’s back stage now? I took a picture with them! Here I show you! There! Photographic evidence that they’re back stage.’ And they kept on asking us to make some noise when all of us were saving our voices to fanchant like our lives depended on it later. Gawd we got so pissed at the MCs because they kept on dragging the time. But then again I know they might not be doing it intentionally since there is always the possibilities that the girls arrived late due to traffic and need time to prepare.
The MCs kept on telling us the obvious like “they have the longest record on Music Bank” and all of us were like “WE KNOW G.D.I. BRING THE GIRLS OUT!!!!!” and “they were recently in SG for the MAMI Awards” and we were like “IT’S MAMA AWARDS YOU IDIOTS!! YOU SO SLOW!!!!! THAT WAS MONTHS AGO!!!” And all of us were chanting/shouting “SO NYUH SI DAE!! SO NYUH SI DAE!! SO NYUH SI DAE!! SO NYUH SI DAE!! SO NYUH SI DAE!! SO NYUH SI DAE!!” before the event started.
Yes..we were very pissed. Lol then the MCs looked back stage and saw the stage coordinator gave them some signal or whatever and they told us “ok, we got the final word. 2minutes! The Girls will be out in 2minutes!” and we all cheered and the MCs went off the stage and they played some tunes to fill in the time. They played 3songs to fill up that so-called 2minutes and every time there was a pause between songs, we cheered thinking the Girls were coming but then when the next song played, all of us boo-ed! Hahaha it was so funny!
When the Girls really came out, WHOAH the crowd went crazy!!! Cheers all around and we chanted “SO NYUH SI DAE!! SO NYUH SI DAE!! SO NYUH SI DAE!!” even louder!!! The girls quickly got into their position and their first song started; it was THE BOYS, the KOREAN VERSION!!!!! OMG we were all so shocked because they have NEVER performed the Korean version outside of their homeland before, meaning to say we were the first to see them perform the Korean version in an overseas promotion!!! GYAH!!! The chants were so loud that I couldn’t hear the girls sing very clearly! G.G., T.R.X., BRING THE BOYS OUT..all were so loud and so filled with passion! We even sang along to the chorus of EACH song they performed last night!
After the finished The Boys, the lined up in a single file and everybody knew what was coming next! GENIE!!!! FINALLY OUR DREAM IS COMING TRUE! It is every single SONEs’ wish to hear Tiffany say their country’s name during the bridge part of this song. And last night, we MY SONEs heard it loud and clear
The crowd went wild!! Chants were louder than before! And before that was Hyoyeon’s dance break! OMG everybody shouted “KIM HYOYEON!! KIM HYOYEON!! KIM HYOYEON!! KIM HYOYEON!! KIM HYOYEON!! KIM HYOYEON!! KIM HYOYEON!!” it felt so good to shout like that!! lol
Then they had a break to wipe their sweat and introduce themselves!! OMG I AM IN LOVE WITH TIFFANY’S ACCENT!! I love the way she pronounces Petronas!!! They were all so precious, like dolls standing on the stage, greeting us with their “Annyonghasaeyo, So Nyuh Si Dae imnida” and then proceeded with their individual introduction. Fany ended up translating what the members said and Sooyoung said “Terima Kasih, Malaysia” at one point of the event, I couldn’t remember when.
And Fany said
"you guys were told just not too long ago, thank you showing up, all of you" girl, you have no idea how efficient SONEs can get!! We manage to settle our transport, hotel rooms and get Premium zone tickets in less than 36hours upon hearing the news. haha
Jessica had her bangs braided, Sunny’s haircut is SO handsome (it’s making me want to cut my hair even more!!), Taeyeon had her hair tied up in a ponytail (it was PERFECT!!!), Tiffany had her hair parted to the left (like during Burberry London), Hyoyeon had her bangs pinned up with not mistaken (?), Yoona and SeoHyun’s were wavy (I think?) while Sooyoung’s was (CONFIRMED! LOL) straight.
Afterwards, Fany hinted the next song with their signature pistol gesture and all of us went “OMG HOOT!!!!!” And we chanted so damn loudly “JIGEUMEUM SONYUHSIDAE, APUREUDO SONYUHSIDAE, YONGWONHI SONYUHSIDAE!!!!!” and when the chorus came, everybody sang along! The feeling was so…aigoo I can’t even find a word to describe it!!
After Hoot, I saw them line us in 3 lines and yelled “RUN DEVIL RUN!!!” and everybody around me looked forward and cheered!! We shouted again “SO NYUH SI DAE RUN DEVIL RUN!!” and the fan chants went on its way. The only part of this choreo which I was looking forward to was towards the end when they lined up in one line with Jessica in front. Jessica would do her wave and sing her part. I tip toed as high as I could and moved my neck in ways I never knew I could just so I could see Jessica! It was so worth it!! Bwahahhaa
Then they took another break to wipe off their sweat. Honestly, I felt so bad for them because they’re not used to this sort of heat and humidity. Jessica’s forehead was glistening with perspiration and Sooyoung’s cheeks were too. Tiffany was about to wipe hers off when Jessica helped. All the JeTi shippers went wild! Lol
Then Fany hinted the next song with a steering wheel move and we screamed “MR TAXI!!!” but the funny thing was, they sang the Korean version which went “Seoul-do, Tokyo, London, New York” while we sang along the Japanese version which went “Tokyo, Seoul, London, New York” I was laughing to no end when I heard the difference!
Then Fany told us “unfortunately, we have come to our last song. Does anybody want to take a guess?” and all of us shouted “GEE!!!!” and Fany gave us her famous eye smiles and two thumbs up saying “very good!!!” oh gawd I totally died. DAT SMILE!!! and before the song started, Fany was like "ready? and action!" and the song started and Fany said "ah hah, LISTEN MALAYSIA!"!!!
After Gee, they bowed to us one last time and went off the stage. We shouted “ENCORE! ENCORE” knowing very well it was impossible but we clung onto that little chance of being able to see them for a few more minutes. Their flight was at 11.30pm that same night so it was impossible as they finished performing around 9.30pm or so.
Throughout the whole performance, I couldn’t see them much because of my height and the height of those in front of me. I saw the screen most of the time but I did manage to catch glimpse of them through the gaps between people’s shoulders. And every time I manage to see them, I always see Tiffany! And OMG there’s one image where I can’t get out of my mind!! That girl is just too precious!! She was eye smiling and bouncing to the chorus choreo of Mr Taxi, doing the steering wheel dance and she looked so happy!! OMG can I take her home with me??? She’s just too precious!!! And she bowed to us during her bridge part with Taeyeon “don’t wanna say goodbye” GYAH!!! I can’t get that out of my head too!! Haha!! And I hope they never get out of my head!!
All in all the event was awesome even though I didn’t get to see them a lot. I think we gave them a good impression of the fans/SONEs here. We were so loud and the Girls were smiling a lot on stage, and Jessica didn’t pout at all I think? Even though she’s hot and sweaty, two of her most hated conditions. We were all laughing that she’ll probably run towards the air cond when their performance is over.
Today on Twitter I saw somebody post a rumour saying that Tiffany saw the guards pushing a SONE and she told him “do not push my fans”. It’s a rumour but OMG TIFFANY!! I’M LOVING YOU EVEN MORE RIGHT NOW!!! Hwang Miyoung, you are ruining my bias list!! Your husband has been on top of that list like a boss for the past 3years and you are knocking Taeng off 1st
nafslkagnkljfnglskjfdnbgjdslbkjsfbdkjfd!!!!! WHAT IS BIAS LIST??!!!!!! TIFFANY HWANG!!!! Kjhfkjhalkdjfhlkj!!!!
And I have these 3 to thank! Otherwise, I would’ve never been able to go to KL!!
From left: Calyn unnie, Rae unnie and Kim unnie =]

and this is my fancam of Gee =]