Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Recent happenings

so i learnt something that happened back home when le dear went out yum cha-ing with some of our friends. and well..while i haven't have it all figured out yet, i would like you to know that, given the right environment/people, i will answer to your questions as best i can. i don't guarantee satisfactory answers, but i will try.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Vampire Story

Allow me to introduce you to one of my recent coping mechanisms cum latest obsession.

A couple of months ago I noticed that there were a series of posts about a dark haired girl and a brunette appearing on my tumblr dashboard. There were so many of them so naturally, I got curious and decided to check it out.

Turns out it was a webseries called Carmilla, which a quick google search will tell you that it is based on an old gothic novella of the same name that was written/published 20+ years before Dracula was. Epic no?

So basically the show is about this girl called Laura, whose roommate, Betty, suddenly goes missing and is replaced by a new roommate called Carmilla. And then weird stuff happens. (wow, such an interesting introduction ide…)

Anyway, allow me to introduce the main characters!
1.       Laura Hollis a.k.a Tiny Gay
Played by the cheek-pinching cute Elise Bauman, Laura is the main character of the series. A naïve, provincial girl with an overprotective single dad who is headstrong and dead set on finding her missing roommate and put an end to all the weirdness that is going on at their Uni, Silas U. Basically lives off a diet of soda and cookies and has/had a crush on her English Lit TA.

2.       Carmilla Karnstein a.k.a. Broody Gay
Wears-leather-like-a-boss Natasha Negovanlis (the fact that I can say and type out her last name with ease just shows how obsessed I am with this show) is our Carmilla. Carmilla is the titular character and is also Silas U’s resident 334 year-old vampire. She keeps her blood in a soy milk carton in their room and is a slob compared to the uptight Laura. She has the tendency to steal Laura’s yellow pillow and also her cookies/snacks. Can be very protective of her tiny gay.

3.       Danny Lawrence a.k.a. Very Tall Gay
When we say she is very tall, we really mean that she is very tall. Standing at a towering height of 6 foot 2 is Sharon Belle, 1/3 of the ginger squad in the cast. She plays Laura’s Lit TA and is also a kickbutt member of the Uni’s Summer Society. In the words of Sharon quoting their producer:
“Danny is kinda cool, but she’s gonna be a little bit of a dick”
Which is still cool with us haha! Is very protective of the tiny gay.

4.       S. LaFontaine  a.k.a. Very Gay LaF
A non-binary character who prefers to be referred to using gender neutral pronouns like “them” and “they”, LaF is played by our captain of the ship and the second third of the ginger suad, Kaitlyn Alexander. LaF is a bio major who is (I think) roommates with their best friend since they were 5, Perry. LaF likes to experiment on stuff and is all for the weird. I think LaF was the first to point out that Carmilla is a vampire.

5.       Lola Perry  a.k.a. Only Gay for LaF
The mother hen of the gang and last third of the ginger squad is Perry who is a bit uptight. She likes things to be normal and doesn’t like it when LaF rushes into the weird. She likes to clean and almost always wears turtle necks. She bakes too! Danny actually at one point in the show calls her “easy bake”. She is played by the beautiful and talented Annie Briggs

This show..I don’t really know what to say about this show except that it is awesome? The word awesome probably doesn’t do it any justice at all.

And don’t even get me started on the ships in this show! There are a few ships but my main ship (OTP) is Hollstein! Which, *spoiler alert* as of the season 1 finale has become canon! I am one happy Creampuff!

This is the suckiest introduction you’ll ever find for any show (maybe this buzzfeed article can help) but really, if you have the chance, watch it. Here’s the trailer and episode 1!


Episode 1

The show has 36 episodes which is a total of about 2.5hours or so. It was just announced today that it has been renewed for a season 2!! Coming soon spring 2015! I can’t wait! Legit eggcited! kasdjfkjashfklhasdlfjkakljf

all pictures and gifs and videos are credited to their rightful owners. i do not own anything

Monday, December 1, 2014

A Place Only You & I Know


Dear 16 year-old me,

Well, if you’re wondering why on earth this is being addressed to you, you can thank dear for it. In case you’re wondering who “Dear” is, you’ll find out soon enough. Figure it out yourself; I’m not giving you hints because it’s bloody obvious. While I know you’re super dense and naïve, I still won’t tell you.

Anyway, I’m here to tell you how the next 6 years of your life is going to be like. It’s not as grim as you thought it might be, but then again it’s not exactly super bright. Yes, everybody says you have the potential but let’s face it kid; it’s like a standard script everybody says to teens while they’re growing up.

I’m here to let you know that your 16th year will be one of the toughest you’ll ever have to get through before you hit 20. Not just because some teachers are going to asses or painfully boring but also due to other factors. Always watch your back, because nobody is going to do that for you. The ones who you should’ve trusted enough you shied away while the ones you shouldn’t you clung to. Such genius, much heartache. You’ll feel alone. You’ll feel depressed at times but you’ll be fine. You forgive too easily and forget too quickly. I’m not sure if I should call you lucky or not. With a big enough sigh you can let everything go just like that. Truly amazing. /slow clap/

You start to build walls and distant yourself and stuff because you know that’s the only way to survive high school. But surviving is not living. You’ll learn that later as well through something called Tumblr.

But you’ll get over it. All that loneliness that you feel, all that “I’m a weirdo others don’t understand me neither will they understand why I love the things I do so much”, will go away because you’re going to be introduced to a group of people who will take over your life in the years to come. Nine charming young ladies will burrow their way into your heart and you will finally learn what is it like to fall in love and have a coping mechanism for whenever reality becomes too hard to handle. You’ll laugh and cry with them. Have tonnes of their pictures in your hard disc, spending money left and right (within reasonable means of course) on their stuff. You’ll fall in love with a tall, lanky blonde, a tall, hilarious blonde, a beautiful, French blonde and somebody named after the weather. And you’ll love every second of it because they’ll be your coping mechanism.

The next big thing to happen to you will be during your first year as an undergrad. You’ll meet somebody who will break you from your self-imposed isolation. That somebody is going to change your life, too. You will be smitten and heartbroken even; but yet, you have never been happier. Your face lights up when that person is around and you’ll feel absolutely bored and restless when you’re on your own again. It makes you sad to think of the future so you always cherish the moments spent together. You’ll feel like crying even sometimes. But you’ll be fine. Because that person will also be the reason you smile. And your first meeting could not have been even more clichéd. Go find out yourself. It’s no fun if I tell you everything. But I will tell you that you’ll still be fine at the end.

Undergrad won’t be easy but you’ll pull through thanks to good friends. Cherish them because they’re hard to find. Some of those from high school will only be there whenever they feel like being friendly. But not all. You’ll get what I mean if you were paying attention to whatever I’ve said at the beginning.

Anyway, what I really want to tell you is that you’ll be fine. Whenever you think that you’re doing something really stupid and will regret, think about this: if nobody came back from the future to stop you from making that decision then, how bad can it be? Amirite? Heck, you know, one day somebody is going to come up to you and say that they look up to you because you were the only one who cared about them back in school. And that’s something wonderful to know. And also, you’ll discover something called the internet and puns. Two things that’ll make you wonder how did you keep yourself occupied before discovering them.

I do, however, have some bad news. Life ain’t a piece of cake, honey. You’ll forever be plagued by peer pressure. You’ll still do whatever people say despite Kristie’s best efforts to teach you to say no. You’ll always feel inferior to the rest of your friends because of body issues. You’ll always feel that you’re not good enough. You’ll have the toughest time trusting people because you don’t know if they have any ulterior motives. You don’t trust compliments. You’ll always feel that you look so stupid in nice clothes because you think that all that you are fitted for are jeans and a baggy shirt. People are always going to say that you’re not good enough. People are always going to say that you should do this and this instead of what you really want to. You’re going to get a lot of criticisms because of the way you look, the way you carry yourself. You’re going to learn the hard way that pretty people have it easy in this world and you’re not one of them. You’re going to learn that the moment you step into society. People won’t give a shit about what you want to say or even pay attention to you because you’re never going to be pretty enough to be noticed. You’ll be invisible again, like in high school. You’ll meet people you detest in an instant and also are going to treat you like you’re a worthless piece of shit. And worse of all, you’re going to get a piece of news that will turn your world upside down in the summer of your 22nd year.

That’s a lot of shit to put up with. But you’ll be fine, you’ll always be fine. You’re going to soldier through everything and be a half-baked smartass, the one you are today. You’ll find a good friend among the acquaintances and you’ll learn that life can be beautiful.

Life is beautiful, and so are you.

I love you, and all of your weirdness.

So please, please learn to be at ease with yourself and love thyself.

Because if you won’t, who else will?

With Love,

Your half-baked smartass 22 year-old self.