silis is a respected SONE who occasionally posts valuable insights about SNSD and fandom.

You can understand SNSD's success in Japan from those great Oricon sales numbers and award wins in Japan. But there are more real stories behind this success that you can't notice from the numbers.
Everything here are just straight comments from Japanese people who have experienced SNSD's performances.
Slowly but surely something is taking place in Japan right now with SNSD.
By observing what's happening with the Japan Tour we can get a feel for this something. The SNSD Japan Tour is a huge success but its true implications may not be immediately obvious to people outside Japan. Let's go back to 2 years ago. At the time SNSD had become the biggest girlgroup in Korea with the success of Gee, and fans in Korea were starting to ask for the SNSD solo concert. But whether such full scale concert for a girlgroup could be held successfully was unknown. By full scale it meant filling up at least 5000 seats which was the breakeven point in the industry.
Only 3 girlgroups in kpop history tried holding this full scale level concerts but the results proved that such concerts were not viable so the kpop companies would not attempt such concerts anymore for girlgroups. At the time even SNSD was unproven in this regard and SM was secretly planning and would carefully feel out the possibility of a solo concert, even taunting Korean Sones to show up in numbers at SMTown Live etc if they wanted a SNSD solo concert. People were still unsure if SNSD could pull off a 5000+ audience concert.
That was the case in summer of 2009 and few months later SNSD would sell out the 14,000 crowd ITNW concert and do encore concerts weeks later, achieving the unthinkable for a girlgroup in Korea. This year more than 200,000 people will be attending SNSD solo concerts all over Korea, Japan, and Asia, an achievement almost incomprehensible for a girlgroup in Asia. SNSD now walks alone.
These concert records are amazing but also think about what a concert really means for a female musical group like SNSD. It is the culmination of long years of arduous training followed by countless days and years of performing on stages. Skills must be developed and refined. Endless rehearsals and dozens of choreography must be memorized and maintained in sync with the team. Fitness must be maintained at the highest level to endure hours-long performances requiring extreme physical and mental power. Even figures and looks also must be maintained with strict regimens as entertainers. Most difficultly all these elements and more must come together unified on stage to exhibit the performance and win the hearts of the audience.
It's not really about financial 5000 breakeven numbers that prevent companies from offering true full scale girlgroup concerts. More fundamentally it is the excruciating difficulty of preparations and getting on that big stage and performing and giving everything, and this is precisely what SNSD is doing right now. The big tour in a foreign land where they give their everything. Everything that they have lived for, the very reason they chose to become performers, is poured out onto this stage. It is the story of the nine members.
And that will be the strategy and spirit of SNSD in their journey in Japan, to stand on the big stage, to show their grit, to perform for people of Japan. And for the rest of the story in this journey, the audience will speak its mind.
* 少女時代に圧倒されました。ありゃあ、スペックが違うわ。。。
I have been overwhelmed by SNSD. They are just, of a different class... - Platinum_shin@twitter
* SNSD concert, I was completely KO'ed by the overwhelming performance. Now calling them the greatest isn't even...they are the final evolution of idols. - hana_getarou@twitter
* Tomorrow I'm going to the SNSD concert at Hiroshima. Plainly I'm a little excited (#^.^#)... I had been negative towards SNSD last year...
(after the concert)
Came back. I am overwhelmed... the quality is just too high. A little shock shall I say, it was good to the extent that my sense of values have changed... Japan must change... SNSD was that much of a shock... Can I dare to describe the SNSD concert... it's like international pop artists performing... each of the member's skills are insanely high -madness_coris@twitter
* SNSD concert was amazing. I think unless you see them at the concert you will not understand the true power of the members. I had thought they were just a pop girlgroup with pretty legs but I was wrong. - bitboi@twitter
* SNSD's concert has ended. Too overwhelming I cannot put it into words (- _ -) They have surpassed the realm of female idols - kumasung_5@twitter
* First time in my life for a concert like this I am really nervous. So I am drinking some beer.
(hours later after the concert)
I was so moved I could die. Concert is an amazing thing. SNSD is deadly and amazing. I can only express incoherent things right now. Amazing. This world is full of bad news, but I'm fortunate to be born in this era that is SNSD. - max_ryoari@twitter
* Back from SNSD concert. Exceeding my expectations every one of them had great singing ability I was stunned! - KyusyuDanji@twitter
* A friend invited me and I went to see SNSD at Saitama... I see. This is the level of excellence they come at, amazing.... It's been a long time since I've seen a concert of this level! -singchang17@twitter
* How was the SNSD concert...
To be honest, I think it was truly incredible.... Each member's solo stage had a scary level of excellence, and to have those 9 together is just overpowering. Fan services were great and the audience was intoxicated and enjoying it to the fullest. Of course for concerts, there are others with good level of skills too and those spending lots of money on the sets. But I think the greatness of SNSD is, in the charms of each of the members. To move people's hearts like that, and to be that entertaining, I don't think there is other concert this wonderful. -dohhyaruhhyar@chiebukuro
* It would be a shame to classify SNSD as idols. The individual member performance abilities are too high...! - kkmn_@twitter
* What the - SNSD !!!! Too amazing. Fairy tale cuteness~.. Displaying their performance prowess and exciting people like crazy... Was sad for Sunny's bad condition and her missing solo and then she came back in the end crying and got hugged by everyone... I was madly moved, such a concert full of everything. Goosebumps like crazy... a precious concert where I saw the love between SNSD members.... Gah this was really amazing lol. They are not idols - tvxq7@ameblo
* I went to SNSD concert with mom and dad. I cried (´;ω;`) I am moved(´;ω;`) Even when I didn't cry at other boyband concerts (´;ω;`) lol. Ahhhh, I am happy. I am going again for sure! SNSD is the greatest \(^O^)/ - ちぃDAYs@ameblo
* I went to the Saitama SNSD concert. Wonderful performance! They're so young yet their high-reaching professionalism is so spirited I was so moved and I got tearful. Kawaii, awesome dancing and the standout singing... now I understand why young people of Japan are enthralled by them! - DJYossyCooking@twitter (radio DJ)
* Coming back from the SNSD concert (´;ω;`) It was the greatest ---!!!! So cuuute and coooooool looking and truly amazing 3 hours wahhhh (´;ω;`)♥♥ Oh how they shine!!!! They are not same humans as us (´;ω;`) - saki2salad@twitter
* The SNSD concert that I went last night. I received a culture shock - ymihoxoxo@twitter
* SNSD is no idol. My soul was shaken - yuki0001@twitter
* I cannot sleep the excitement from the concert is not going away... A great revolution is occuring. - canshichi@twitter
* Went to SNSD's concert and I was so moved I ended up going again LOL - saho1113@twitter
* Yesterday's SNSD concert was most awesome! It was a whirlwind of crazy high quality performances, I feel like my stomach is full with like 3 servings of most extravagant full course French meals - inomatu17@twitter
* An idol group surpassing them, too bad but I don't think there will be one - suzukimousou@twitter
* ... SNSD surpasses the boundaries of idols, that's what I thought watching the concert yesterday. That's how much I was overwhelmed by their performance power and their ability to make expressions through singing. - cota210@ameblo
The SNSD Japan Tour has been receiving praise after praise in Japan, and there is an air of a new shidae coming… If you can please take some time to read the comments here to see what Japanese people have said about this journey of SNSD.
Status of SNSD in Japan
SNSD's success in Japan is already well publicized by Oricon sales numbers and the arena level national tour which is only possible with the biggest name artists in Japan. So already a huge success in the jpop world and beyond that the popularity continues to spread thoughout the Japanese public. We can describe the special quality of SNSD popularity in Japan as "wadaino Shoujo Jidai (SNSD the talk of the town)", this buzz continuing since the debut last year without waning and regardless of promotion.
This constant public interest for SNSD can be easily seen in charts like the Yahoo Japan celebrity search ranking where SNSD is #2 most searched celebrity on Yahoo in June after AKB48.
Even without major TV show appearances, the Japanese people are continually fascinated by SNSD and most in Japan are quite familiar with the name Shoujo Jidai and slowly even member names are beginning to get recognized.
The 1st Japan Album and the Japan Tour by itself are not something of a huge nationwide publicity but the effect it has is that there is the viral, grassroots spreading of SNSD's reputation as the definitive female artist group of Asia.
* Came back from the SNSD concert. Packed 3 hours... Goosebumps all the way. Now I realize this is what's called a boom. - ikumitter@twitter
* Last year this time SNSD was unknown in Japan but it is surprising how they have now become an everyday scenery of Japanese popular culture - smasuda@twitter
* ... the power SNSD now has in attracting new fans is at the highest level even among all the current jpop artists - z4ak9/jy@ch
* It used to be like SNSD was mine but now they are popular in Japan and the people's responses around me have drastically increased. Now I realize Soshi is everyone's Soshi... feeling a little lonely - o/w5H/ql@2ch
* Anyway it is a lonely morning... the sense of loss is so great. Here in Hiroshima with Soshi gone how am I going to go on living from now on... I want to move to Tokyo -nDStQn/m@2cn
Hiroshima is not really one of the centers of trends in Japan and SNSD selling out huge venues in places like Hiroshima indicates that SNSD's reputation has started to penetrate over all of Japan in contrast to last year's Tokyo centered boom.
Aside from the majority of female fans, SNSD is attracting fans from all types of demographics. This is very uncommon for female idols which normally only attract few specific parts of the population. Why would so many diverse people fall for SNSD?
* My kid (in kindergarten) likes SNSD~ She is doing their dance (^0^) - TORICA_TORICA@twitter
* Monday and getting myself excited while listening since morning to SNSD that my husband gave to me... miwa_ya@twitter
* When I got home, dad was working on the computer with SNSD playing. Same as yesterday. - l7ll7lbaaa@twitter
* Even among the females at our company, the rate of people falling for SNSD is especially high these days - Satomi_0717@twitter
* My daughter ended up falling for SNSD, and I would tease her, but in no time I was humming the song. (Sweating) - ma_1025@twitter
* Right now with my daughter, the two of us mom and daughter are passionate for [SNSD] - yumiruna110@twitter
* Lately, everyone in my family are into SNSD. - golfernin58jp@twitter
* I asked my kindergarten daughter what song is she listening. Then my grade school son said "Huh! You don't know SNSD?" - Shingjung@twitter
* For my daughter who's into SNSD I downloaded the PV on iPhone then my wife said "Hey it's you who want to see it huh?"..... Yeah that's right. Can I not? - Kenji_Onu@twitter
* At her kid's 6th grade class it seems [SNSD] is extremely popular, dominantly over other Japan idol. I saw their MV for the first time on Youtube, and was overwhelmed. How pro they are... - kochu_karu_ko@twitter
* My father came home in happy mood with a SNSD DVD ( ;°Д°)一 He said let's watch it together lol - e5296r@twitter
* The professor is bragging that he had a 2nd row seat at SNSD's concert lol - bookpaddies@twitter
* There's my friend who wrote "Listening to SNSD" as his hobby on his resume. Then the interviewer turned out to be a huge fan of SNSD, so the interview became quite a lively one LOL - 29PntT9a@2ch
* Mother is talking on about SNSD ( ~っ~)/ Like Yoona or Taeyeon... - naaayaaaa@twitter
* Looks like my parents are into SNSD - coume_50@twitter
* My wife lectured me about SNSD. I was surprised she could identify every member. And their names. And looks like she could sing their songs in Korean... - ken1fkd@twitter
* Yesterday at a cafe several middle age ladies were sitting behind me. They were diligently talking about different SNSD members... - snsdthread@2ch
Diverse range of fans could be observed at the concerts
* At the Soshi concert many girls are there of course but also wide range of fans like boys, kids with parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents and so on - ぱさらん@ameblo
* ... I went to the Yoyogi concert with my son in college... For sure there were lots of young people, but looking around me, two 40ish ladies in front, one middle aged gentleman, a group of high school girls, two well built young guys, another group of young females, middle aged husband and wife, parents with a young daughter. The diverse range of people is surprising. For a young female artists group in Japan this is a phenomenon never seen before. Seems like this is the amazing power of SNSD. Power to attract such a diverse population within a year of debut. Once again I can feel the potential for a new and big wave to happen - ウダジ
* SNSD Japan Concert was full of guys ー(;゜0゜ Never saw a concert with so many guys since the GLAY concert - Rom17B@twitter
* Our family of 4 going to the SNSD concert lol - Yutaoh23@twitter
* SNSD Osaka concert was the greatest~~~! From 3 yr old kids to people in 60's, wide range of fans of all ages and gender! A concert where everyone can go is so great -amymaybefab@twitter
* Now SNSD was the awesomest! I am enchanted lol... Audience around me were guys and I had thought it'd be full of girls so I was surprised! SNSD is really amazing.. Today I must buy a Lipton lol - 松戸由美子@ameblo
* Looks like my aunt went to the SNSD concert - bleuxnalq@twitter
* I went to the Yoyogi concert with my husband * SNSD in real life was too wonderful~ I cried (T_T) Taeyeon~ The greatest~ Actually we are going to the Nagoya concert too~ Looking forward to it (*^^*) - コグマ☆キウィ
* At tonight's SNSD concert the ratio seemed to be 40% male to 60% female - andomotoh@twitter
The dominance of female SNSD fans in Japan and their akogare
Even as fans of all ages and gender are increasing female fans are still at the core of the SNSD fanbase in Japan.
* 今、なりたいアイドル。それは、「少女時代」。
My akogare in elementary school was Pink Lady... In middle school it was Matsuda Seiko... Now the idol I want to be like. It is SNSD. - yonhiki@cocolog-nifty
Akogare is someone that you look up to, a role model, someone with the style and character that you yearn to be like. Young Japanese females often have these akogare figures - Matsuda Seiko, Akina, Amuro Namie are some prime examples. SNSD becoming the akogare figures for Japanese females was really one of the most surprising phenomenon of the Japan advancement, as Korea and Japan have different ideas in regards to preferred female styles. Just what is it about SNSD girls?
* I'm a high school student I've never been interested in idols at all I looked down on them. But when I got to know SNSD I was really shocked. They destroyed the idea I had about idols. Singing, dancing, styles everything about them is marvelous... I am also a female and they are my akogare. - くまこ@amazon
* .... well most of all females respond very enthusiastically to that feel of the charismatic stylish girls, I think for a lot of females they are the akogare, that kind of thing... -kyesun7222000
* ... everything about SNSD is the best. They are almost 10 years younger than me but really are my akogare I want to try my best to have style like that even for just a little bit -emily0510@ameblo
* I want to become very stylish like I could blend in with SNSD.... - miluhyde@twitter
*- There are many cute female idols but there are rarely females idols that can sing and dance so well and perform perfectly like them! Kakkoii (<-This is a big reason), beautiful and also with cuteness even. That akogare desire to become like (SNSD) makes females into fans, don't you think? And when you get to know SNSD, you come to understand each members' personalities. This is a very interesting group. Just like that in no time I became a complete fan lol. - osatou25@chiebukuro
* Lately I am feeling SNSD... It's odd, at first I wasn't interested at all. Maybe now I'm feeling sophisticated females are my akogare. But in fact they are younger than me. -nicole_of_bump@twitter
* Initially I didn't have any interest in them, but by watching their performances on TV I got into them completely. This is no cheap "idol" music. The singing, dancing and the looks are taken to the highest levels, It feels that their mere presence is an "art"... Even from the view of being female and same age as them, they are my akogare. - いよかん@amazon
* I want to be toyed by beautiful unnies like SNSD - perfume9nineAKB@twitter
* Now elementary school girls' dreams will not be to become other idols, but to become SNSD! - 76Cha@twitter
* Tonight was the SNSD concert!... it can be seen they were dancing in perfection, giving their everything. Watching them I felt a strange sense of trustworthiness... Hard to fathom at first sight but this is a group of distinct characters... Maybe it's good for me to get addicted~ SNSD... Though I'm a woman over 30 it was like a back-to-being-a-shoujo experience for me - jungris@twitter
* ...(SNSD) they are spreading their wings as women, that style which can be called perfection, even when seen by the same sex it was mesmerizing - yujin@ameba
First, SNSD grabs your attention
* I saw SNSD's MV for the first time now, and I had underestimated them. What styles they have, and such high quality stuff. No wonder many people are saying they want to go to their concert. - hayato_my@twitter
* In the morning TV they were showing SNSD... I'm not a fan but when they are on TV my eyes just turn to them. Even from a female's view they are beautiful~ - リッシュ@ameblo
* SNSD's MV definitely has some kind of strange powers! Like it recharges my energy, like it makes me want to keep watching it, in a word it's just too cool. - yukichangmin218@twitter
* ... while eating lunch at I got interested by a song I heard... "This is made so well". Returned home and found out that it was SNSD's Gee lol. This is going to be popular. I realized that. - yadb@twitter
* Saw the Music Japan SNSD special... Unwittingly I think I'm falling for them this is dangerous... - i_kuk_w@twitter
* The shock I received from first watching SNSD Gee, was the first time since that moving moment 27 years ago when I saw Michael Jackson's Thriller - hideosaito@twitter
* 少女時代のライブはもはやアイドルの枠を超えていたよ
SNSD's performance is already beyond the realm of idols - chirumichiru129@twitter
Then people in Japan discover SNSD is performance par excellence, each and every member then to the whole 9
* Came back from the Osaka concert... Taeyeon was overwhelming. As if a top athlete was in the zone, or as if she was channeling the goddess of singing, she showed off her incredible singing ability - 公僕@fc2
* To be honest initially I didn't think much of SNSD's singing but how could they sing Lady Marmalade so soulful and powerful like that. Their dancing needs no explanation and they mesmerized me with their singing. - Me_Rock369@twitter
* Hyoyeon is good.. I think she pushes up SNSD to the level beyond idols - nokio1213@twitter
* Came back from the SNSD concert. Overwhelmed by their singing and dancing it's crazy. Each of the members really are at a great level. Simply it's just as reputed. -tomohiro_kaku@twitter
* After watching the SNSD concert, I thought that they are most different from Japanese idols in that there is no single main power member, but every one of them are the main power members - @twitter
* I'm always surprised by the high quality of SNSD's performances - bez_akb0201@twitter
* I can't even decide which member fan I am now - snsdthread@2ch
* That every member is capable of being the center of SNSD is incredible - TokyoAddict@twitter
* Watched the SNSD video and was truly moved. It really is amazing. Just how much hard work have they put through. I can't even imagine. - KRHRAKR@twitter
* Only now but I am glued to SNSD's MV!...9 girls who can sing with styles like models, and on top of that dancing so synchronized with heels, come to think of it this level of quality cannot be found in Japan. Thinking about all their hard work behind this I got a little teary lol - konachoco@twitter
* Oh man, SNSD is really just incredible... Watching the concert clips it's outrageous. Everyone has a solo song? It's like every member performs like Amuro LOL -h_matsumoto@twitter
* SNSD's singing ability, dancing, style, you can choose any aspect but there can be no complaints, I feel they are the mirror for all idols. - くまこ@amazon
* Everytime I watch Soshi's performance videos, the performance of this group, exquisitely balanced combination of members and more, is it only me who thinks this is miraculous. It is so mesmerizing, I think I know why the Korean army is so loyal to them ^^ - takuyajoe@twitter
* SNSD... I bought the album. What the... this is insanely good. I thought they were idols but this is at the level of artists! - cocoskb@twitter
* They have the images of being pretty girls but what I felt at this concert were power and passion. And that SNSD are challenging their lives on singing and dancing. I have been affected now this was an opportunity to look back at my self. - couco0703@chiebukuro
* I think it's amazing that they can pull off both kawaii or kakkoii styles. - kogumakeron0628@chiebukuro
* I too have been mesmerized by SNSD's overpowering performance ability. That something which draws me to them, it truly is the dream. - ARAx35@twitter
* SNSD is blazing. What do I know as an old guy you may ask, but what's great is great. Myriads of styles, performance that towers above, and the teamwork. - eggtarte@twitter
* I became unable to look away from their dance of wonderful unison, something that could be called the "synchronized swimming on land". The dance for Genie is even more tightly coordinated than Gee, it puts me into a state of shock and awe. - millerrose_99@amazon
* When I look at SNSD, the fire burns in me to do my best at work. The level of excellence they have is utterly stunning. It would be nice if I can do my work in such a fashion. -takanorimiura@twitter
* I went because I wanted to see Seohyun but I am applauding all 9 members from the bottom of my heart... 3 hours on stage in high heels, how incredible is that? Singing and dancing everything's most awesome. My daughter who was Taeyeon fan became a fan of all members. - torajiji246@twitter
With each SNSD concert in a city in Japan, a flood of comments
* SNSD concert is over! Supra-Hyper-Ultra-Gigantic-Super-Mega Great Ahhhhhhh!!!! - covosuke1223@twitter
* Soshi was dangerous ~~~ - < Every member so slim like dolls just way too cute ♡♡ - marixwx@twitter
* Went to the SNSD concert yesterday~ Incredibly crowded. When I hurried to buy some goods most of them were sold out... Cute, great styles and all perfect. I came to like SNSD even more. I want to go again~ - みなはる@ameblo
* Oh man - SNSD concert was the awesomest! Should I go to Fukuoka one too lol Now I have come to love all the members (´Д`) - KJR0707@twitter
* Concert is over!! Really SNSD is the greatest \(//∇//)\ A memorable day in a long time! - Toyyon_147@twitter
* I'm back from the last Yoyogi concert. I was still a newbie fan, but I have fallen for them in an instant, and I was cheering loudly together with my kid. It was just most awesome. Ah am I going to be able to work now? - TOM
* Oh gee~ Danger, dangerous~ Ever since I've been to SNSD's concert, their songs energize me at work - salon-meiry@twitter
* Yes (^O^)/! SNSD in person was dangerous (:_; ) Absolutely more cute than how they look on TV - _aimi0801@twitter
* These days listening to SNSD as I go to school has become my motivation. Ah~ I want to go to the Tour again _ < - kazumisoz@twitter
* Real life SNSD were beautiful like goddessses, cute like angels, styled like dolls, couldn't think of them as same human as myself. - otc_4649@twitter
* SNSD concert was dangerous! Now this is amazing(^^) Highly perfected, great singing, great styles, cute, can speak good Japanese, it's all perfect! From today I've come to like every member!! - kubinobu@twitter
* Concert was the greatest (^O^)... I've known Sooyoung since route0, and supported SNSD since their debut so I was moved and I ended up crying... Then Tiffany pointed at me and gestured not to cry (/_ ; ) Moved by Tiffany's tenderness I cried even more. Not just song and dance Soshi has beautiful hearts truly the greatest. Looking forward to going again on the 28th. - もでぃ
* I saw SNSD in person. I can die now - panakipan@twitter
* I don't even know what the heck anymore TT Just too excited and ah~~~ First thing SNSD was divine (T_T)... I don't know if all this is real my condition is weird! I don't think I could now live normally~~ - nachutitty725@ameblo
Japan has very advanced infrastructures for concerts and indeed Japanese people go to many concerts and performances of all types. Even female idols have concerts at mini-theatres to tours. So Japanese are familiar with female group performances but even to Japanese people SNSD is something they have not really seen before.
* I understood the awesomeness of SNSD. Truly the greatest idol group of Korea. - 1224mn@twitter
* SNSD (concert) was amazing! Or in another sense, just shocking! I felt there was quite the difference in quality from those of Japanese. This isn't just a boom, I think it's a movement definitely occuring because of their no-compromise, ridiculous amount of hard work. This night I am reminded how I lived my life monotonously. - shoujitakashi@twitter
* Oh SNSD concert was the best! I was only going to watch Sooyoung but every member dances so well - and the amazing singing just had me - gyaee@twitter
* This is SNSD's level of excellence! Heck yeah! - hitokuchimemo@twitter
* SNSD concert it was an amazing concert. It was like watching a musical (^^) It's like SNSDLand for 3 hours. Everyone cute sings so well. The tight dancing is amazing. Everyone please go see it once (^.^) This is something that can be enjoyed by both girls and guys. - candoanifilms@twitter
* SNSD concert ended. The stage performance was beyond my expectations. There is no musical group like SNSD in Japan today. - keikes@twitter
* I think SNSD is really amazing. Had goosebumps like crazy. Yes, amazing!! - jyajcy@twitter
* Dancing intensely in high heels, running around all over the stage and under hot lightings, and belting out songs, changing costumes mutiple times. Yet always with unchanging smiles on their faces, I was again reminded what pros they are - yagipama@twitter
The 1st Japan Album had great reviews and surprised people who expected a typical idol album The success and reputation of this album has further cemented SNSD’s position in Japan as an artist group.
* There are no misses in the SNSD album ( ´∀`) - skull1037@twitter
* SNSD's album is too good it's trouble. Even as I study it keeps repeating in my head. - saku0122@twitter
* SNSD's first Japan album it is amazing... - taka_bbqchiba@twitter
* Overall a speedy feel is there and all the songs can be heard with a smooth feel, then after listening is done the songs keep going around in your head. Really the addictiveness is outrageous. The perspectives and the lyrics are overwhelming. The girls' music, beauty, and the passions and ideals for their challenges in Japan, it all vividly passes down on me. - 雪@amazon
* Honestly I didn't think this album would be so refined for Japan and I was surprised. The songs in the album are awfully good!! Their popularity and level of excellence are the top class of Asia and yet they have produced such high quality album for Japan my heart is moved. Because my huge SNSD fan daughter is in exam we had to give up the concert but next year both of us mom and daughter are looking forward to attending it. - みゅ-@amazon
* SNSD's album. Once again I am realizing their high level of excellence... there are no blind spots in each of their singing. This is the fruit of years of genuine training... -hirodady3@twitter
SNSD Japan Tour is truly one of the most talked-about concerts in recent memory in Japan, the word of mouth is spreading, "Shoujo Jidai sugoine"
The praises won't make SNSD think their concerts are perfect, because it's not. The experience gained from this tour will be part of SNSD's continued striving for the highest level of excellence as performers
* And the performances are evolving - 黒たこ焼き
* Honestly, on every aspect the concert has evolved since the Osaka one. Wonderful is the only word I can say - けんさん
* With this Arena Tour, I think the reputation of SNSD in Japan will change. Talked about their beauty legs or have been compared to other idols, now they will now become a group beyond those kind of discussions. - 公僕JP@fc2
* The SNSD hurricane, passed through with the greatest force. Hiroshima! Hiroshima! The best! The best! -サムゲタン
* SNSD's concert today, it was utterly overpowering. - tkdcg166@twitter
* I have fallen for SNSD in a way beyond anything imaginable - sanche_51@twitter
* The 3 hour SNSD concert has ended,,, I just can't find words to express it, it was that wonderful... it's the concert that you must go see! - austin_7014@twitter
* Unbelievable... SNSD is too dangerous my I can’t close my mouth.. (;´0 Д 0`) - zagiii0319@twitter
* SNSD ended. Overwhelmed by the amazingness I cannot put it into any words. - B_E_A_1975@twitter
* SNSD concert. The level of perfection is no joke. - rimota59@twitter
* SNSD Yoyogi was most awesome! Saw them close... Kawaii... My dad next to me said "If I express it in words it's only going to be a cliche! It was just great there's no other way to say it!" - yamoyamoyamo@twitter
* This is the first time female power in me was motivated like this - 192198@twitter
* Last night I was intoxicated by the high quality SNSD concert. Every member was really working so hard to make everyone enjoy it. The person next to me was so exhilarated and kept crying... - masaminmin_415@twitter
SNSD concert delivers the most basic happiness of being entertained
* SNSD's concert was a 3 hour blockbuster. Honestly I didn't think it would be this amazing! High quality entertainment. It was beautiful... - snsdthread@2ch
* SNSD concert however you put it a moving experience! They certainly have the cuteness of idols, yet plenty of rock or musical-like elements were also staged, it was truly wonderful! -ayano_ok@twitter
* More than anything I am moved by the entertainment and the performance! Today I went with my two daughters but I was also surprised and delighted by the diversity of the crowd... Isn't this is now a national people's event!... this is something different, yes, an international entertainment! - JBJ@sblo@jp
* I'm back from SNSD concert. The stages were insanely spirited and it was also full of individual moments where you can be engrossed with - RYUTALO@twitter
* SNSD Yoyogi. A moving experience. Like watching a Las Vegas show, extravagantly staged in perfection... Truly, it's a gathering of multi-talents capable of anything... That is this group - toshi-yato@twitter
* SNSD concert was incredible. 9 beauties with extraordinary figures with such tight dancing is overpowering, but the high quality and perfection of the entertainment factor also definitely stood out.... And stunned by the singing abilities and dancing skills of the solo stages. - sostenuto_hu@twitter
* I went to the SNSD concert... It was amazing... An ultimate of entertainment, there it was. - tottorifantasy@ameblo
* Today I went to the SNSD concert with my friend. Still cannot calm down from the excitement. Just too divine. Truly they are my akogare. I want to be like them in every way that's how much I was endlessly motivated. - yukko-dog@ameblo
* SNSD concert! It was different from any other concerts I've seen. Like a kingdom of dream, yes! Like being in Disneyland. - soramame0025@twitter My link
* Definitely an overwhelming entertainment show... To younger generation of women it must have been a stimulating experience.... All in all a fantastic 3 hours, I've come to like all 9 even more - daal90w7@2ch
* SNSD's concert was the greatest!!! Now my luck is all spent - asu_umi@twitter
* ... they were like moving dolls, not humans of this world... I was transfixed... This was just the greatest concert. Until now I have never liked any female idols not like this. So I feel a bit weird. - leomaro816@ameblo
* I only saw them in videos and on TV so when I saw them playful and goofing around on stage my heart was enchanted...Those cute girls and being so stylish and singing and dancing like that no wonder they're so popular~... To be honest I was stunned how cute they were... - itsgoodtomee@ameblo (member of parody group Endojidai)
* SNSD Yoyogi... Big drops of tears coming out. Embarrassed I tried to hold it in, but the woman next to me was crying hard - klee_kitaji@twitter
And new fans are born
* The amazing thing about SNSD, you can see it in me. I used to have no interest whatsoever in music or idols. And now I have fallen for them and ended up buying the album. And ended up going to the concert LOL These girls are unbelievable LOL - IahQyQ+B@2ch
* After work today I'm going to SNSD's Saitama concert (^ - ^)v I don't know any of their songs ヽ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ一 Sorry to my friend who's going with me!
(next day)
Yesterday's SNSD concert, I was overwhelmed ( ☆∀☆) I thought they were just a hallyu idol but, their singing and dancing performances are incredible (@ ̄□ ̄@; )!! I understood why Saitama Super Arena was packed ~(*^3^)/~☆They must be putting in incredible amount of hard work. First thing now shall I buy the CD ♪ - RyokoYamamoto21@twitter
* Today there are various businesses, and I'll be going to the SNSD concert ~ I have somewhat memorized the members' names at least! Tiffany is cute
(later in the day)
I am back I am now a complete prisoner of SNSD... And everyone is so cute, singing so well and the styles just too great! If you see that in person you simply cannot avoid being a fan... I bought the CD and towel goods. When I went I never thought it would end up like this! They are just too charming I am completely defeated... I didnt care for them at all before but Ma'am SNSD has taken over me~~!!! SNSD's performance is beyond amazing! I had never imagined it'd be this good...- 30chms@twitter
* I went to SNSD's concert on June 4th!! I didn't really have much interest in SNSD... I don't know the names of any members... I was a fool... (´Д`) Everyone you thought SNSD had great style? Exactly... Just crazy good styles...and so cute first of all, it was a night of excitement (´∀`) - yokoya723@ameblo
* SNSD concert is starting...
(4 hrs later) Breaking News: I have become an SNSD fan - baijumeiji@twitter
* To see SNSD's performance in person it was a truly moving experience. Singing, dancing... just really amazing!!
... Honestly until today my friend (who I went with) thought that SNSD was merely a cute idol group and didn't really have any interest, but as of today my friend has transformed into a big fan. My friend would cheer loudly which is something rare, and I too was happy. - hello-himawari@ameblo
* My wife is an SNSD fan and I went with her to the Hiroshima concert... So amazing, that to say fairies have descended in front of my eyes would be an understantement!.. beautiful voices and with the solo stages of 9 the stadium is shockingly moved by their wonders. - onnsennasitubo@rakuten
* By accident at Yoyogi stadium I heard SNSD's concert sound leaking out and then I became a fan!! Lol - keechi_@twitter
* (After concert) From today I am a SNSD fan♪(´ε` ) - rutoschi@twitter
* ... the tightness of SNSD's performance is amazing,, I have been anti-hallyu all along but finally I ended up noticing SNSD's awesomeness - kyn_dr@twitter
* Oh no. Been watching SNSD videos and it's already this hour! Ever since I've been to the concert, it looks like I have fallen for them completely. I have never fallen for anything like this since L'Arc-en-Ciel 13 years ago! - Hiroki624@twitter
Japanese entertainers fall for SNSD
Lots of Japanese celebrities attended SNSD's tour, it caused a lot of buzz because no female idols previously had this much attention from Japanese entertainers. Many of these entertainers were very popular comedians or gagmen, and many of them from Yoshimoto, a most powerful agency in Japanese entertainment. The public influence of these Yoshimoto gagmen is massively extensive in Japan (Think of the top Korean MC Yoo Jaesuk, and imagine dozens of them in force) , and their support for SNSD reflects a certain trend in the industry.
* So many entertainers have fallen for SNSD (^ -^)... they like other idols too but clearly SNSD has the most entertainer fans and many of them are entertainment industry giants! -llmisakin@twitter
* Too many entertainers are going to SNSD's concert ∑(゚∀゚ノ)ノ Looks like it's a boom among the entertainers circle. - eriemon77@twitter
Comments from Japanese entertainers who attended the concert
* I went to see the SNSD concert by myself...I hesitate to say this [because this program is about other subject] but SNSD's performance is something totally different... I hope many Japanese idols go see SNSD's concert and see just how amazing their performance is - Okamura Takashi(Comedian. He was the MC when Sooyoung auditioned in Japan a decade ago)
* I'm up. Still haven't recovered from yesterday's SNSD excitement. I heard from Savanna's Takahashi that "Even on next day SNSD hangover remains." but never thought it would really remain like this... - Miyaji Kensuke (Miyaji and Takahashi Shigeo both comedians)
* Between work I went to SNSD's concert! I was waving the penlight all the way * I met eyes with some of the members... I blushed ~ (´ε` ). I have a live show schedule now but GEE is repeating around inside my head (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) - Tamura Atsushi (Comedian)
* SNSD is dangerous! After the concert I shook hands with them in the waiting room, but their unbearable cuteness made it agonizing rather than happy. I keep repeating it but SNSD is dangerous! – motoichiadachi@twitter (screenwriter)
* Went to the SNSD concert. They were so fiercely cute. My husband was intensely looking forward to attending but couldn’t make it in time due to his shoot - Sakai Maki (Actress)
* The shock from today’s SNSD Osaka concert keeps me unable to sleep and I am drinking sake in the hotel room replaying the Japan debut album for the 4th time. This is bliss *Teary eyes*
I am so happy that I love Soshi. – Naito Yasuhiro (Comic artist – author of Trigun)
* ... I went to SNSD’s concert. My thoughts in a word, perfect! I’m at this age and I was waving the penlight for 3 hours... to be honest, yesterday’s SNSD show was shocking. - Dave Spector (American-in-Japan celebrity)
* I went. TO THE SNSD CONCERT... When you come back from seeing SNSD in person, it is so amazing that other idol groups become like "Eh... ok"... Incredible, really I have been given the chance of witnessing the concert from the real pros. - Nishio Hidetaka (Comedian)
* ... Okamura (the comedian) took me to SNSD's concert...To be honest I didn't really know about SNSD... To tell you the conclusion, from start to finish I became their prisoner. -COWCOW (Indie band)
* Oh I want to go to SNSD's concert in Korea.
Yesterday's SNSD concert was great.
No wait really! It's just too awesomest! Soshi! - Koumoto Junichi (Comedian)
* Shabekuri May 23 11 : I love SNSD... I can't describe them in a single sentence... Their dance is amazing... You know what it's like... When you see a member in center and you think she is the main... then moments later another member is at the center... then another then another... and the rest of members behind the center dancing in complete support... so you have to watch the video 9 times... then when you watch again this time looking at everything, you will go WOWWWWWW - Arita Teppei (Comedian)
* SNSD concert so awesome~ ( ´▽`)Yay~~~!! Was great, really! Great! - Fujimor Shingo(comedian)
* ... I'm going to try to go to the SNSD concert in Korea, I am talking with other Soshi fans in Yoshimoto...I'm not a fan of idols, I just like Soshi... - Gotoh Terumoto (Comedian)
* ... One member Sunny’s condition was very bad and she disappeared middle of show. And that too was quickly noticed by Zakiyama. “Yamasato, Sunny is gone.” Then hearing that she went to hospital Zakiyama would worry, “Will she be ok?”
But after the encore Sunny came back, and what do you think Zakiyama was like at that moment? He was crying haha that guy, crying like that I was so surprised. - Yamasato talking about Zakiyama (Comedians)
People in Japan are also starting to notice the character and discipline of SNSD
* SNSD's members have persevered through outrageous difficulties, they have the determination and tenacity, are hard working, and have high professionalism, they are really humanly respectable. On top of that they are cute, stylish, with bright personalities and kindness. They are really my akogare. - hinaayu2008@chiebukuro
* When I look at SNSD I get teary. I ponder, just how hard must you work to reach a level like this. - gw7TCt3X@2ch
* Thinking about how much hard work they must have put in to create an album like this I am deeply impressed.
Agonizing and difficult trainings, enduring negativities from ignorant people, they must have gone through much hardships... This is not an idol I am into, I am appreciating artistry...- ばっちょ@amazon
* But not just Sunny, other members are extremely busy too their conditions must not be so great but they never show a tired face, such true professionals, I thought! They are women with such strength, I thought! More and more I have come to love Soshi - Michun@ameblo
* Randomly ended up watching the NHK SNSD Special. For around 20 year olds, they have extraordinary high principles and professional determination, and the outstanding dancing too. Language skills too. It isn't just the cuteness but the feel of a real deal idol par excellence driven by constant hard work. More and more I am mesmerized. - komachiono@twitter
* NHK MJ SNSD Special, it was great. Each one of them wrote and told their mottos and those words were really great. Not just a typical idol I thought they were a group with class and intellect too - shoco_holic@twitter
* I saw the NHK SNSD special yesterday. From start they had the world in their sight and continued to work so hard for the goal, and I was inspired watching them. Instantly I became their fan~. - hokapokka@twitter
* I saw the SNSD Music Japan special.... Those girls are striving for their very best in their lives, far more mature in their thinking than any people bashing them... they make us care for them like our own family it is the strange power they have SNSD.- ruwhachi@chiebukuro
And that special bond of this group doesn't go unnoticed
Sunny's incident was a big topic for Jsones and new fans
* SNSD Sunny returning in the end and the members hugging, I bawled at the sight - 8angel888devil8@twitter
* I am truly moved by SNSD's story!!! Sunny I love you. SNSD the greatest! I am going all the way with SNSD! - tvxqelfyukari@twitter
* ... Sunny was gone... everyone was confused I think. From around Oh! performance the crowd was singing Sunny's parts together, and I felt a sense of solidarity in the whole hall. - ネンミョン
* ... Really it must all have been so tiring for the members... but they were giving all their best. I was truly moved. I knew they were amazing but they were beyond what I had thought, they were so much more than that. I think I got a peek of the amazing reasons why they remain as the top group - RWpl+wd@2ch
* ... the kizuna between the members made me tear up... Thank you. - snmm9dnw@twitter
(Japanese people are very fond of this word kizuna. It is the theme of many novels and dramas. Kizuna means bond. The kind of kizuna Soshi has, that of a many member group tightly bonded with no main character, is a little different than usual so it is even more fascinating to Japanese people.)
* I went to SNSD's concert. First of all, I am so happy to be born in this SHIDAE... SNSD exists only when the 9 are together. There cannot be anyone missing from this 9. I have come to understand it after attending the concert. - aina213@ameblo
* I am so moved! Once again I was enlightened with how much of an amazing group SNSD is. Sunny's condition was bad and she was gone (;ω; ) But she came back for us in the end that was close(;д; ) I was moved by the love the members had for Sunny... - taeyon09@ameblo
* To hold dear the people around me. Thinking and caring of each others. Always striving for the best enthusiastically, not just for self but for others too. Loving oneself, coming to love someone. These are the many things I've learned from Soshi. Everything I will engrave in my heart, and support them with my best. Forever SNSD - m_m_snsd@twitter
* ... Different Soshi members would make pairs and hold hands naturally, it was awfully cute, and their closeness was conveyed to my heart. Really the greatest of concerts. I was moved many times and teared up - maricomsa@ameblo
* There were incidents but it's so great that I went to this very concert!!! Truly !!!! I was moved by the strength of SNSD's kizuna (*´;ω;`) - suzuran50@twitter
* SNSD really seems like a family. - toshio_126543@chiebukuro
* I'm back from the Soshi concert. It was like a dream, happening so quickly. I am over-excited and it's hard to remember most of what happened. Sunny and members' tears at the end I cannot forget... The 9 of SNSD are miracles. - mq321@twitter
* 9 personalities without conflict, and connected by the strong kizuna SNSD is really the single one in the world - 0z2Sjhx+@2ch
So this is SNSD in Japan
* A species of idol that has never been encountered before - 佐々麻梨江@ameblo
* Those movements are like little devils or female leopards coming on to seduce you. One can feel the similarity to the excitement and pleasing flow of watching a musical... I think this group will become something beyond the categorization of hallyu or kpop.- ベルちゃん@amazon
* SNSD is like the Thousand-hand Bodhisattva - snsdthread@2ch
* The miracle group. At this point, I cannot think of any other words to describe them. - 0z2Sjhx+@2ch
* All in all I think Soshi is really the best idol group today... such high level of excellence... that to people of various countries, they have become the standard... Even as they are such a historical group, they are also here right in front of us waving their hands at us with all their hearts, it is such a grateful thing that they exist... This is a group that I think there would be further re-evaluations later in history. - magma890@hatena (Jsone since 2008 when jsones were really rare, some of his pics were posted in this thread)
* The shock SNSD has given me. It is like the shock of when I encountered Star Wars at young age -kajiwara_LC@twitter
* There are groups who can sing, or groups who can dance, but Soshi is altogether different. The aura is different. - 7NLHMIR2@2ch
* There was a lecture about "Today's Japan doesnt have enough professional spirits", and SNSD was discussed. Even the professor is into SNSD! - max_ryoari@twitter
* SNSD is a hybrid. - swhiromi@twitter
* I am thinking Korea's SNSD is the black ship. Ever since watching their performance on Youtube, I am mesmerized by the [talents and the hard work]. - hiroxpepe@twitter
Black ships refer to the Western ships that arrived in Japan in the 19th century. The arrival eventually helped bring about dramatic social and industrial changes in Japan resulting in modernization. Thus black ship refers to something arriving from overseas that has potential to bring about revolutionary changes.
* The industry people who have seen the SNSD concert, I wonder what they are thinking? An all-out black ship arriving is this not? - yuyaren@twitter
* the radio show the director asked me, "Mr Mogi, dont you know SNSD?"
"No I don't know."
The director then showed me their videos on the internet. Right at first sight, I was stunned... in their movements, there was an impact that can be described as,"I have only seen something that I have never seen heretofore". One can say, the black ship arriving in the world of idols. - Mogi Kenichiro(Brain scientist)
* It seemed like there were quite a few industry insiders attending the concert. SNSD is a different type unseen in Japan before so it looks like not only among entertainers but the industry is watching with keen interest. - me11Iob@2ch
* ... the word "idol" in Japan, its meaning may again change because of SNSD. Asia and the world as their target, they are globalizing even the concept of fanbase gender. And how would the black ship "SNSD' change the entertainment industry of Japan which has become compartmentalized... - digimonostation
* I say the conclusion. Here on, nothing surpassing SNSD will be born. - snsdthread@2ch
* 25 years ago I've seen the ultimate of kawaii with Kikuchi Momoko and watched the Okinawan ensembles take female group performance to higher levels. But SNSD is altogether different, a Newtype. Take them apart and you can see cuteness, coolness, charms, talents and whatnot and they are top notch in every one of these elements. But the gestalt is even more the story. - xindda (A very long time jpop watcher)
However, the ship is not black, but pink as seen in the concert

The journey continues.
Posted by silis7noy2 on Soompi.
Original post
taken from here
reading posts like this makes me really proud and happy to be a SONE. of course i know that other Idols have their own version of a story like such but i do feel that Girls' Generation's is the best (nt being bias btw). so i hope you guys have taken the time to read this beautiful piece written by a SONE called silis7noy2@soompi
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