so this is what you get if you bullshitted throughout the whole exam...i'm pretty cool with it, a bit unsatisfied but i'm cool..band 5 would've looked nicer but hey, like i said; i'm cool with it. no need to retake it.
well, at least i got full score for listening, something for me to be happy about. and that speaking test..would've done better if that (insert suitable/any adjective here) girl hadn't talked so much and hogged all the talking time.
yo.impressed with ur listening wei!!! hahaha.and i totally understand the blabbermouth you r referring to.i had one of those sat next to me during the jpa interview and boy,you cant imagine how intimidated everyone else was by her. except, she sorta ticked me off but thanks to her,i had time to think of my answer.haha!
hehe didn't expect my listening to do so well..though i must say it was easy compared to the other 3 =]
ugh..don't remind me bout jpa..the feller beside me also talk n talk n talk and was such a pro at bragging about herself. ugh..haha
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