Saturday, November 24, 2012

Rise and Shine

ugh honestly, name me one person on this earth who loves, and i mean really loves without grumbling or complaining, waking up early in the morning? more so when the weather is cold and chilly and absolutely perfect for staying in bed till it's way pass noon. tell me! haha

every single time i get woken up before the sun is up, especially for 8am classes, i'll sit upright on my bed and point out the window towards the sky and go

"ugh why am i up so early?!! the sun isn't even up yet!!!" 

but i still get off the bed and wash up anyway. it's not that i can't wake up early, i mean i totally can wake up early..i just need to set an alarm. i'll grumble a lot in the first 5 minutes after being woken up but after that i'll still go on like it's perfectly normal to get up before the sun does.

i wouldn't say that i'm not a morning person, but i also wouldn't say that i am. i mean, i do get hyper at times early in the morning, mostly because maybe i'm going to have an awesome time to compensate for the loss of sleep like maybe going out with my friends and all.


breakfast is good for the body my ass..every time i wake up early to go to breakfast i always end up feeling like shit when it's nearing mid morning or noon. i'll be so lethargic and cranky and grumpy etc's not a very pretty sight. then the whole pre-planned afternoon schedule goes out the door because i'll be in too big of a bad mood to do them so i'll most of the time end up sleeping till like..4pm? haha

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