Monday, April 16, 2012

Dusk Maiden of Amnesia

right so i've stumbled upon this anime in the evening before dinner.

this is the trailers for it. the first is just a video of some scenes from the series while the second is the PV(Japanese calls MVs as PVs) of the series' opening theme song, Choir Jail by Konomi Suzuki

rough translations:
do you know?
the ghost in the school...
Teiichi-kun (Teiichi is another character in the show)
Television anime, Tasogare Otome x Amnesia begins airing..blah blah blah


i've done some reach (more like Wiki-ing kekeke) and so the story is (something like) like this:

that school has about 60years worth of history and development. new buildings were built to accomodate the growth in enrollment throughout the years and it has turned the school into a huge maze. old buildings were abandoned instead of demolished and many of the old classrooms have now become storage rooms.

the school has a ghost, a girl ghost with no memories of how or why she died and she doesn't seem to want to find out about herself. then came the main boy character who can see her. their meeting sparked an interest in Ms Ghost and she wants him to help find out about her (why/how she died etc).


can't wait for the next episode next week! after all three of the series which i have been "chasing" ended last month, i'm left with Fate/Zero and thank goodness i found this! haha this seems like a rather funny and totally not horror-ish anime (i might be wrong, there's only 2episodes so far)

videos credited to their owners.

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